[sldev] CAPTCHA to validate land sales.

Taran Rampersad cnd at knowprose.com
Thu Oct 4 19:48:57 PDT 2007

Harold Brown wrote:
> The current Land Sale interface is the way it currently is... because 
> that's what people wanted.  They told LL's  "You do this and it will 
> solve all our land sale problems"  They did it... and people are still 
> bitching about it.. but not because of land swoopers (the generation 
> before bots) but because of bots.
> The complaints are generated mostly by other "Land Barons" who don't 
> have bots and can't compete at the more lucrative low price land flip.
(1) If people are happy, we won't be having this conversation. We are 
having this conversation.
(2) The complaints are generated mostly by people who lost large sums of 
money and who are NOT land barons.

Stop defending the indefensible.

Taran Rampersad
Presently in: Paramaribo, Suriname
cnd at knowprose.com


Pictures: http://www.flickr.com/photos/knowprose/

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"The present is theirs; the future, for which I really worked, is mine." - Nikola Tesla

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