[sldev] LLVM?

Jason Giglio gigstaggart at gmail.com
Wed Oct 31 11:04:54 PDT 2007

Dzonatas wrote:
> However, the JPC gives an example with a complete look and feel of real 
> program languages with all the bits the normally touch the hardware 
> without actually any hardware (or system) layer being touched.  As you 
> can see in the linux on java example, it uses a certificate in order to 
> augment security for some optimizations. That is the right direction.

I tried JPC and it was buggy and unstable.  It also took a full CPU core 
of resources just to run Lemmings, a 286 game.

CPU Emulation that is 1000 times slower than the host OS really isn't an 
option, quit bringing it up.


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