[sldev] [META] Projects in progress, both Linden and Resident

Mike Monkowski monkowsk at watson.ibm.com
Tue Sep 4 16:50:00 PDT 2007

(I originally posted this as part of a comment to WEB-306 on the JIRA, 
but I guess it's foolish to expect responses on the JIRA.)

I think it interesting that we would like to know what projects Linden 
has in the works that they are committed to delivering, but I can't 
really keep track of what projects are being worked on by the SLDev 
community. I know I mentioned it a while back, but who remembers that 
I'm interested in lip-sync? It's not that I'm being secretive. I just 
don't have anything to say about it at the moment.

The JIRA has entries for requested new features scattered all over the 
place. I guess if I were a JIRA expert, I could create a Search page 
that listed just the new feature entries, but I always have trouble 
searching JIRA.

Maybe we should add feature requests for things we are working on so we 
and others can track their progress. Can New Feature entries have status 
"In Progress"? Can outside developers put them in this state? Would 
Linden identify projects they're working on by doing so? On the JIRA we 
see, not their internal one? Does anyone at Linden other than Rob look 
at the New Feature requests on the external JIRA?


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