[sldev] Re: [VIEWER] SVG on a prim

Argent Stonecutter secret.argent at gmail.com
Sun Sep 9 11:13:06 PDT 2007

From: "Harold Brown" <labrat.hb at gmail.com>
> John was talking about implementing something now... without  
> dealing with
> having server side changes made by LL's to support it.

> What you're discussing will need commitment by LL's to implement.

The client can read a notecard. SVG is text and can be put in a  
notecard without any special handling... 'uploading' SVG would just  
be a shortcut for creating a new text notecard (something that would  
be useful anyway). A special UUID can be designated as "this UUID  
means look for a notecard called 'face$facenum.svg' in the prim".  
Another can be "this UUID means look at the description on this prim  
and interpret it as SVG". References in the SVG would be to notecards  
in the same prim. You don't need to play silly games with asset  
uploads to make this work.

The trickiest thing I could see being reasonable to do might be to  
have the UUID on the face being the UUID of a notecard or prim, if  
the sim will let you get away with that. And even that seems a bit  
dodgy to me.

Anyway, I would rather have something based on interfaces like this  
that almost certainly won't break than ones that can.

PS: I agree with Alissa. I would rather not see HTML on a prim except  
as something like a new parcel media texture type. HTML is too  
expensive to render.

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