[sldev] [ARCH] Architecture Working Group in the wiki

Tao Takashi tao.takashi at googlemail.com
Tue Sep 18 12:11:52 PDT 2007


I just wanted to summarize a bit what I've done in the wiki for this
project. So it all starts at


>From there I created pages which describe the proposed architecture as I
understood it when Zero was talking about it. Feel free to correct me there
or add more detail.

Then I also added a Use Case page which already has some use cases and
scenarios on it. Gigs also added some Strategic Goals which might help in
finding the scope. My idea for now is though to think outside any scope for
a while which is the reason for the blue sky scenarios there.

As not everything fits into use case descriptions (after all they actually
should only explain how the user directly interacts with the system and are
maybe more useful for the viewer. But for now we migth see the components as
the user) I also added a brainstorming section which is free form:


I would define the scope later then by collecting which features and
requirements we want to model. Apparently these will be at least all the
existing ones plus X. Then we could go in depth with the use cases and
define protocols between the components.

One first workitem might be to discuss other ways of decomposing based on
the requirements we come up with. After we then decide to either stay with
that setup or change it, it will be easier to define use cases as the
components are fixed then.

Anyway, feel free to edit and hope to meet some of you at Zero's office hour

Oh, and does this project need some (temporary) name actually? For me it's
sometimes hard to say people what I am working on and I come up with
something like "new SL architecture" etc.



PS: I am also thinking about doing some in-world meetings to maybe explain
this thing to some more people. There seems to be interest. And I think it
also needs to get publicized more. After all I think this project is rather
drastic in the approach used and the thing being made and if it's really the
start of e new internet then it should get more attention IMHO :-)

taotakashi at gmail.com

RL: Christian Scholz, cs at comlounge.net

IRC: MrTopf/Tao_T
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