[sldev] [ARCH] Prokofy Neva's "Open Architecture and the Rest of Us" (today)

Laurent Laborde kerdezixe at gmail.com
Fri Sep 21 20:39:05 PDT 2007

I assisted to some prokofy's "office hour takeover".
Totally ignoring the topic of the office hour to whine about their
very own concern.

i heard question like "How the new physic engine while improve our IP
privacy ?" (because we were talking about havok4) ... you see what i
mean ...what can you possibily answer to _that_ ? and the time you
type the answer prokofy already asked 2 others question totally
unrelated to the 1st one.

Additionally, prokofy is highly offensive : We're tekkies so we don't
understand human (we propbably aren't human anyway ?) and always
provide extreme anti-social solutions.

and about that "the anarchists decide what to do about globalization"
: being myself kinda anarchist it could make me laugh very hardly if
it wasn't prokofy's words (it's certainly taken as an offence in the
context of prokofy's post).

Hurting people's feeling, spreading FUD, ... very selffish and hatefull.

sad ...

kerunix Flan

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