[sldev] why can an avatar get stuck (unable to log back in and not getting logged out)?

Thomas Grimshaw tom at streamsense.net
Wed Apr 2 17:41:35 PDT 2008

Carsten Juttner wrote:
> Hi,
> since my avatar is currently stuck in-world I wonder how a login is 
> handled on the server side.
> By stuck I mean the system keeps telling on logon that "The system is 
> logging you out right now. Your account will not be available 
> until...". The avatar is also clearly visible in-world and appears 
> logged on to friends until they send an IM at which point they are 
> told the avatar is offline and message will be stored. Right after, 
> the online status changes to offline in the viewer. 
When a user logs off, the simulator has to send all of the users' 
session data back to the grid, before the user can be acknowledged as 
offline. If you see "the system is logging you out right now", this is 
still in progress.

Since second life has had major asset issues today..   (when doesn't it? 
*cough*).. it stands to reason that something on the sim may have 
stagnated. I would suggest adding a timeout to user logout, perhaps a jira?


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