[sldev] Error:unknown option -p when compiling out of the box on Mac

Sammy Frederix sammy.frederix at gmail.com
Sat Apr 12 21:25:04 PDT 2008

On 13/04/2008, at 11:05 AM, Aimee Walton wrote:
>>> On 2008-04-12, at 17:22, Aimee Walton wrote:
>>>> Removing all my settings files and scratching my head a lot seem  
>>>> to make no difference. I get the feeling I'm missing something  
>>>> obvious :) anyone point me in the right direction to where the -p  
>>>> is coming from? Relevant bit of the log attached below.
> Ah, both glad and sad to see I'm not the only one :)
> arguments.txt was my first port of call, it's empty.
> I have a suspicion the erroneous -p  is being created by something  
> going off track during the parsing rather than actually being passed  
> in, though I could be barking up the wrong tree. It's only when  
> Second Life.app is run from the finder that it fails. Running from  
> Xcode or running Second\ Life.app/Contents/MacOS/Second\ Life from  
> the shell works fine.

While I haven't spent any time on this, I did remember that when you  
have a really wide terminal window, and type ps -ax you get entries  
like (Sorry for the extra long lines):
   129 ??         0:43.53 /System/Library/CoreServices/Finder.app/ 
Contents/MacOS/Finder -psn_0_49164
   136 ??        61:30.74 /Applications/Safari.app/Contents/MacOS/ 
Safari -psn_0_65552
   138 ??         0:01.76 /Applications/SMARTReporter.app/Contents/ 
MacOS/SMARTReporter -psn_0_69649
   140 ??         0:00.13 /Applications/iTunes.app/Contents/Resources/ 
iTunesHelper.app/Contents/MacOS/iTunesHelper -psn_0_77843

Running the released 1.19.1(4) build, I end up with:
62365 ??         0:00.70 /Applications/Second Life.app/Contents/MacOS/ 
Second Life -psn_0_1286458

and the freshly built client also gets started with that parameter

And when I open the newly build version from the finder (or using   
open linden/indra/newview/build/Deployment/Second\ Life.app):
62392 ??         0:00.58 /Users/home/linden/indra/newview/build/ 
Development/Second Life.app/Contents/MacOS/Second Life -psn_0_1294652

And if I use the command line:
$ linden/indra/newview/build/Deployment/Second\ Life.app/Contents/ 
MacOS/Second\ Life
I get:
62408 ttys002    0:00.60 linden/indra/newview/build/Deployment/Second  
Life.app/Contents/MacOS/Second Life

And the same for starting from Xcode.

It's not passing the -psn paramater.

That's where I suspect the -p is coming from. Now to find out why it's  
no longer being ignored.
I'm compiling from Branch_1-20-Viewer.


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