[sldev] Re: [VWR] llkdu issues building the viewer under windows

Soft soft at lindenlab.com
Fri Dec 19 14:29:11 PST 2008

On Fri, Dec 19, 2008 at 9:45 AM, Robin Cornelius
<robin.cornelius at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 19, 2008 at 3:39 PM, Robin Cornelius
> <robin.cornelius at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I'm seeing the following problem, the llkdu library is not downloading
>> during the cmake configure, it is listed in install.xml and i have
>> tried manually downloading and checking the md5sum and that is
>> correct. If i manually download the library from S3 from:-
> Sorry, i continue, stupid google mail
> There are two sections in install.xml, the first one "kdu" only lists
> pacakges under scp:// from a local linden server, the second section
> lists them as "kdu-binary" from S3.
> There is also a version number difference, 4.2.1 and 5.2.1
> I guess there is something not quite right here.

The internal one would be for the actual kdu libs, not the llkdu
wrapped libs. Internally, the version number changed to reflect what
we're actually using, not because we actually upgraded at that point.
What a mess.

The public one should be changing any time the headers used to build
it change, which would be fairly often. I'll see if I can get this one
updated manually, and we'll revisit automating that guy.

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