[sldev] Notifications redesign

Tateru Nino tateru.nino at gmail.com
Tue Feb 12 21:11:34 PST 2008

Jason Giglio wrote:
> Argent Stonecutter wrote:
>> Well, speaking as someone who has been doing control system 
>> development for years, notifications (we call them alarms) are a Big 
>> Deal.
> You bet.
> My only concern with this unified manager is that communication of 
> severity becomes a little trickier.
> If we flood it with every "failed to rez because your camera wasn't 
> pointing at the floor just right", or "you entered a different region 
> version"... people will just ignore it.
> I look forward to your input there, I know management of severity of 
> messages is big in industrial engineering.
Seems to me there's a fairly firm dividing line already in evidence in 
message severity:
* Messages that do not require any action on your part
* Messages that require you to make a choice and respond.

'offers' seem to be about half-way - part informational, and part 
choice. I'd say they fall clearly into the second category.

A third category is administrative notices/alerts from estate managers, 
grid-monkeys and the like.

If it were me - actually when the new system rolls out, I guess it will 
be me - I'd like to see an option to suppress the informational messages 
as popups, and have them just run straight to the chat history instead 
of appearing in the notification floater or popping up. Choice/decision 
messages I'd like to be able to suppress them popping up, but still have 
them appear in the notification floater. Administrative alerts, I'd like 
to still see pop up, appear in the notifications floater, and in the 
chat history.

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