[sldev] Roadmap: 1.19.0 Viewer

Argent Stonecutter secret.argent at gmail.com
Tue Jan 8 10:56:30 PST 2008

On 2008-01-08, at 12:16, Joshua Bell wrote:
> * Auto-joining group chat sessions has been removed
> ** Group members must explicitly choose to actively "join" their SL  
> Group's chat sessions after they log in.

On the whole I think this is a REALLY good thing, but it's likely to  
get a lot of pushback from people in support roles when they find  
they're forgetting to join a group.

> ** Starting a new SL group chat only adds the requester to the chat  
> session much like an IRC channel.

One of the things that makes this work in IRC is that, traditionally,  
there is a "command mode" in IRC clients. You can stick a bunch of  
commands into your .ircrc or equivalent and have it always do

/join #group_help
/join #customer_support

Graphical clients may not always have this, but they generally have  
an option to join certain channels when you log in anyway. You might  
want to implement one or the other of these options when the  
complaints hit. :)

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