[sldev] Roadmap: 1.19.0 Viewer

Jason Giglio gigstaggart at gmail.com
Tue Jan 8 13:27:04 PST 2008

Jonathan Wolk wrote:
>    Sorry for the confusion with all this.  I/We do plan on (sometime 
> soon) adding an ability to "auto join" group chat sessions on log in.  
> This will basically be a server side bit sent to the viewer in which the 
> viewer will open up your group's chat tab.  You could add some viewer 
> side mimicking of this by reading/writing your auto logins to a file, 
> but that obviously will not be persistent across multiple machines.
>    But, yes, group IMs will become opt-in (by manually joining the 
> session) rather than opt-out.

Well that doesn't sound like an altogether bad feature.  But if this 
means needing to clutter up my chat tab with every group I might be 
interested in hearing group chat from, it would be bad.

I know you are aiming for an IRC-style function, but on IRC I have a big 
chunk of screen I can dedicate to channel tabs, in SL I don't want my IM 
window to be that wide.


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