[sldev] Roadmap: 1.19.0 Viewer

Jonathan Wolk jwolk at lindenlab.com
Tue Jan 8 14:12:55 PST 2008

Mark Burhop wrote:
> So if I understand, when I log in, I will first need to go to my 
> groups and add each one to chat.  This will create a tab in my chat 
> window. Closing the tab will disconnect me from that group so I need 
> to leave all the tabs open. 
If you want to hear what's going on in each group chat session, then 
yes.  Actually this behavior exists today with the exception of the 
first IM.  After that, you need to leave the tab open to hear chatter.
> If I get an incoming message, I will have to open up this window 
> (increasing its size horizontally to see all the tabs) to find the tab 
> that indicates a message just came in.
You can actually "arrow over" to see more of your tabs without needing 
to increase the window size (I think).  Or alternatively changes could 
be made so that the "new IM" button appears if you receive an IM and 
your communication window isn't opened or maximized (just throwing that 
idea out there)
> To avoid this and work as I do today, I can create my own viewer with 
> some hacks or wait (days? weeks?)  until the server is updated.
> Surely I've misunderstood.
You haven't and stop calling me Shirley


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