[sldev] cmake-9, what happened to cmake.py

Paul Oppenheim (Poppy) poppy at lindenlab.com
Thu May 29 12:05:45 PDT 2008

Bryan O'Sullivan wrote:
> Robin Cornelius wrote:
>> What ever happened to the cmake.py script in the cmake-9 branch. It
>> has vanished.
> Someone renamed it and forgot to rename the file in the export script we 
> use.  Sorry about that.  I've fixed the problem.

That someone was me, sorry! My source search script didn't look in .mass files. It's now updated to help prevent this kind of problem in the future.

+ poppy

for reference:

# goes through the source files in the current directory.
# you need to specify grep or whatever command you want.
# make sure you cd to your checkout first or this might take a while.

# forallsrc grep service_url
# forallsrc sed s/poppy/jerkface/g

find --version 2>&1  | grep "GNU find" > /dev/null
if test $? -eq 0 ; then
        #GNU find doesn't need -E but needs escaping
        find . \( -name .svn -prune -o -regex '.*\.\(cpp\|cxx\|h\|py\|php\|pl\|c\|xml\|dtd\|txt\|cmake\|l\|y\|nq\|sh\|bat\|mass\)$' \) -type f -print0 \
        | xargs -0 "$@"
        #BSD find doesn't return version info, and needs -E for fancy regex, but no escapes.
        find -E . \( -name .svn -prune -o -regex '.*.(cpp|cxx|h|py|php|pl|c|xml|dtd|txt|cmake|l|y|nq|sh|bat|mass)$' \) -type f -print0 \
        | xargs -0 "$@"

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