[sldev] Valid uses for temporary image assets?

Brandon Lockaby gbrandon at gmail.com
Wed Sep 10 12:14:54 PDT 2008

I performed an experiment, uploading two textures using the same mechanism
used for uploading bake (skin + clothing) textures.  The experiment
satisfied that the next day, I could no longer download the textures by
opening the item in my inventory.
I can't find any mention or documentation of how it works in the wiki, so I
must ask:  These temporary assets assumably are created in the millions
every day when people upload their baked avatar textures.  Would any other
use of such temporary uploads be considered acceptable?  Just for example,
to put text on a prim for a short time?  Are there limitations, technical or
based in the TOS, that everyone should know about?

Best wishes.
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