[sldev] Format of install.xml

Ricky kf6kjg at gmail.com
Mon Jan 5 19:31:13 PST 2009

Thanks for the response!

I think I will use the custom function approach.  It is fast to implement
(considering I already made the XPath string!) and I don't yet understand
enough Python... :P

The downside is that my script is still dependent on something that wouldn't
normally be in the environment: The XMLStarlet package.

I wonder... What would it take to rewrite the serialization/deserialization
functions so that the output XML was better formed?

aka Cron Stardust

On Mon, Jan 5, 2009 at 10:05 AM, Joshua Bell <josh at lindenlab.com> wrote:

> Ricky wrote:
>> I'm trying to programmatically select the correct download URI from
>> install.xml, and I've so far worked out this XPath expression to do so for
>> the linux64 edition of glh_linear:
>>  "//key[text()='glh_linear']/following-sibling::map[1]/key[text()='packages']/following-sibling::map[1]/key[text()='linux64']/following-sibling::map[1]/uri/text()"
>> This seems overly complex to me.  Wouldn't it be easier to do a little
>> more nesting in that file's format?  The keys and maps are laid out as
>> siblings when the key could simply be attribute of a map...
> It is an XML serialization of LLSD (http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LLSD).
> LLSD has many different serialization formats; the XML one is
> element-centric and, as you have discovered, not ideal fodder for XPath
> lookups.
> I'm a big fan of XPath myself, so I feel your pain.
>> Maybe I'm just using the wrong tools?
> One alternative would be to use the LLSD Python libraries where access
> turns into data['glh_linear']['packages']['linux64'] or some such. For some
> of our internal bash scripts that need to read from a basic map config file
> we have a utility script that takes a LLSD map key and outputs the string
> value.
> Or write a function that maps something that looks XPath-esque but is
> LLSD-specific, e.g. "LLSDQueryToXPath" that takes
> "glh_linear/packages/linux64" and outputs the XPath you wrote above.
> Joshua
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