[sldev] sorry for the off-topic, need assistance from someone that understands the insides of the client

Tigro Spottystripes tigrospottystripes at gmail.com
Mon Jun 8 16:09:30 PDT 2009

I know I shouldn't be posting about my own technical issues here, but it
has been quite difficult to get any help anywhere else. The help I did
got didn't lead much anywhere, and I'm growing tired of fruitless blind
try and error, I really would like someone to help me figure out exactly
what is wrong, but preferably by actually studying the problem instead
of trying random fixes for unkown problems

most of the description of the issue is in

I've seen other people complaining about similar issues, but haven't
been able to confirm anyone got the exact same thing, so I will not be
posting a jira entry about this for the moment (with the excetion of a
the one I already posting requesting for a workaround to be coded in,
https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-10698 ), quite some time ago,
close to when I first got this issue, I tried using LL's tech support, I
wasn't left a good impression, and much less any solution

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