[sldev] [HELP] Using message system to get object properties

Lockwood, Nick nlockwoo at indiana.edu
Mon Nov 30 07:37:04 PST 2009

I'm writing some (fairly simple) custom code to log what object is at a particular position on the screen every x seconds. I can successfully get an object and output it's Id, number of faces, etc. But, here is my problem...

I really want to log the name of the object. Looking at the code, it seems that this requires sending a message request to the server. I've been trying to utilize some of the code in the LLSelectMgr class, specifically in the selectObjectOnly() function. I can't seem to get it to work, and I don't really want to use LLSelectMgr. I want my code to be completely separate from other core aspects of the viewer. So, how would I go about using the messenger? I guess where I'm getting confused is where it runs gMessageSystem->sendReliable( regionp->getHost());.Where is the response message to that stored?

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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