[sldev] The "flashing particles" bug isn't a flashing particles bug...

Nicholaz Beresford nicholaz at blueflash.cc
Thu Jun 14 17:04:19 PDT 2007

>> Also, the wiki is pretty clear about it:
>>  Specifies the distance from the emitter where particles will be
>>  created. This rule is ignored when the PSYS_PART_FOLLOW_SRC_MASK
>>  flag is set.
> The wiki is just whatever people figured out from how things worked. 
> It's documentation, not specifications.
> It's possible there's some good reason for this limitation, but I've 
> never heard one. I'd be interested in seeing Linden input.

As said, I have an opinion on that but won't argue too hard
either way because I'm hardly using particles anyway.  From my
point of view it was just an interesting bug and there's an
end user workaround for it anyway, so mystery is solved, case
closed from my point of view.

The other issue with the particle system (the erratic generation
and overflow) is something else entirely, this *needs* fixing
IMHO and in no uncertain terms, but there again, I don't really
care because I have it fixed in my viewer for Nicholaz&Friends and
whoever else wants to use it.  The source code for the fix is out
there and for anybody to use also and I've recently learned that
the rest is really not worth the effort.


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