[sldev] Re: Second Life User Experience

Richard Nelson richard at lindenlab.com
Wed Mar 14 09:23:43 PDT 2007

I would agree that there are other ways of displaying hierarchical data than a standard treeview...that aside...

> Even if you leave that structure in place:
> Need: Open folder in new tab.

Do you mean show a new tab that only contains the contents of that folder?  More like typical Explorer/Finder navigation of folders?  That would definitely work better with a visualization other than a treeview, such as tiled thumbnails.

> Need: Open filter in new tab.

Filter management is something we hope to improve.  We just dipped our toes in the water with recent items and added some basic infrastructure for user-created filters as tabs.  For example, how about "Worn Items"?

> Don't throw the folders around as quickly when dragging.

Are you referring to folders auto-opening when dragging over them, or the auto-scroll rate?

> Don't move the scroll bar when dragging an item out of the folder
> window to the right.

You're right, this breaks the drag to window edge scroll behavior and is easy to accidentally trigger.  I'll disable it for an upcoming release.  This was an experiment that unfortunately made it to the mainline code base.  The idea was to eliminate all the nagging over preferred auto-scroll speeds by using a direct-positioning metaphor that people already understood, the scrollbar.  But the implementation was not ready to ship.

> When I close a folder, then close the inventory window, then open the
> inventory window again, why does that folder open again?

This was entered as a bug and is supposed to be fixed.  Do you still see this behavior in the latest release?

> When I clear the search box, why doesn't the selection stay in view?

It should, and in my testing, does.  Do you have a particular repro?


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